Highly Compatible Extensions

Works with WooCommerce and supports all WooCommerce Follow-Ups email templates.

Use this addong with either YayMail Free or Pro.

Drag and Drop Email Builder

Easily select a WooCommerce follow up email template and preview it while customizing its content and design.

Integrated Shortcodes

Keep your customers engaged with shortcodes and personalized content. Drive more sales via post-purchase marketing.

Use this addong with either YayMail Free or Pro.

Email Customizer for WooCommerce Follow-Ups

WooCommerce Follow-Ups email notification

WooCommerce Follow-Ups extension allows you to touch base with your customers via personalized emails. It creates drip campaigns based on customer interests, history, and past orders to drive more purchases and higher engagement.

Are you using WooCommerce Follow-Ups?

Then you should customize all the subscription email notifications! And the great news is, this specialized YayMail Addon for Follow-Ups can help you redesign all email templates in a drag and drop interface:

  • Welcome note on signing up
  • Thank you for your purchase
  • Tweet a Thank you
  • Please leave a review
  • 7-day follow-up
  • 30-day follow-up
  • And More

Start customizing emails with Email Customizer for WooCommerce Follow-Ups today!

Buy YayMail Addon for AutomateWoo