YaySMTP Updates 2023

YaySMTP Updates 2023

Hey everyone, 👋

At YaySMTP – WooCommerce Mail SMTP, we understand the importance of reliable email delivery. That’s why we’ve been working hard to bring you the latest updates to our WordPress mail SMTP plugin for 2023. 

Our team has been busy developing new features and optimizing existing ones to ensure that you get the best possible experience when using our plugin.

Let’s discover the exciting updates that we’ve delivered for YaySMTP.

June 2023 – YaySMTP Plugin Updates

The latest update for June 2023 brings exciting new features that will help businesses streamline their email communication and track their customer engagement.

Export CSV for WordPress Email Logs 

With the latest version 2.4.9 of YaySMTP, the possibilities are endless. You now have the power to effortlessly export your entire email log or selectively filter out the data you want to download in CSV format.

The process couldn’t be more straightforward. You get to choose the fields you want to include such as the ‘To’ email, ‘From’ email, subject, time, email body, status, mailer platform, email log ID, error details, opened and clicked email, etc.

Additionally, you can filter by date or select specific emails based on subject, content, or email sender.

Therefore, this latest YaySMTP’s user-friendly interface enables you to easily access and utilize your data in a way that suits your needs.

Track WooCommerce Email Opened & Email Clicked links

Now, in your email log settings, you can track when someone opens your email and clicks on any links you’ve included. This gives you a more detailed picture of your email log list and provides valuable data for improving your email performance.

Track WooCommerce Email Opened & Email Clicked links

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your email log list where you can see all the emails you’ve sent, and click “Email Log Settings“. 
  2. From there, simply check the boxes next to “Email Opened” or “Email Clicked Links“. 

Once you’re done, hit “Save Changes” and you’re all set!

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Thanh Dinh

Thanh Dinh is a blogger, digital marketer, and tech lover. She likes to explore Marketing and E-commerce tools & tactics and spread them out with people.

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